Other types of disability

This page guides you through the correct support channels for many conditions identified as a disability under the Equality Act 2010.

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There are a range of conditions and diagnoses that are identified as a disability under the Equality Act 2010.

According to the Equality Act, a disability is any physical or mental impairment that has substantial and long-term negative effects on your ability to carry out normal daily activities. You may find that it is something that also affects your ability to complete your studies effectively.

Physical disability

A physical disability is the long-term loss or impairment of part of your body’s physical function. It can involve difficulties with mobility, manual dexterity, muscle control, speech, fits and seizures or chronic tiredness. A physical disability may be genetic or come about through illness or injury. A physical disability may be obvious, such as loss of a limb, or less obvious, for example, epilepsy.

Visual Impairment

The term ‘Visual Impairment’ refers to any condition or illness which affects a person’s eyesight. In the UK alone, there are around 2 million people living with sight loss. Of these, around 360,000 are registered as blind or partially sighted.

Hearing Impairment

Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million (about 1 in 6) people in the UK with some degree of hearing impairment or deafness.

Other types of disability can include (but are not limited to):

  • Visual impairment and blindness
  • Hearing impairment and deafness
  • Physical disabilities such as congenital conditions, long-term injuries caused by accidents, or progressive neuromuscular diseases
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Immunological conditions
  • Neurological conditions and brain injuries
  • Circulatory conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Speech and language disabilities
  • Learning disabilities or differences
  • Mental health or psychiatric diagnoses and conditions
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

If you have been diagnosed with a disability or impairment, please consider coming to speak to an advisor at the Student Wellbeing Centre to explore any relevant support that may be available to you.

You can find out more about our First Contact Appointments and access the contact form by clicking here.

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