Council tax

A property that is occupied only by full time students is exempt from council tax altogether.

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This information is provided by the
Student Support & Advice Team

Council tax is a system of local taxation collected by local authorities. It is a tax on domestic property. Some property is exempt from council tax, some people do not have to pay council tax and some people get a discount. As a student you may not have to pay council tax if the property you live in is exempt.

If your landlord or the local authority has asked you to provide a letter confirming your full time student status for Council Tax purposes, please use the OneUni portal to request the letter.


If you would like further information or assistance to claim a Council Tax exemption, Student Support and Advice can help. We have specialist advisers who give impartial and confidential advice to students at the University of Lincoln.  To book a telephone appointment please email: or telephone Student Support on 01522 837080.


You only count as a full-time student in Higher Education if you are on a course for at least 21 hours a week or a course that the university defines as full-time.

Any property that is occupied only by full time students is exempt from council tax altogether.

If only some people in a property are full time students, the property is not exempt from council tax, but any students in the house are disregarded.

How Council Tax works: Discounts for full-time students – GOV.UK (

Part time Higher Education students are not exempt from paying council tax.

If you have to pay council tax, you might be able to get a reduction under your local authority’s council tax reduction scheme. These vary from place to place but are usually means tested (based on your household income and capital).

How Council Tax works: Who has to pay – GOV.UK (

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