Multi-faith chaplaincy

Our Multi-Faith Chaplaincy service offers pastoral care, a confidential listening ear and spiritual support to anyone in our University community.

Student Services - A group of 5 people standing against a wall, shot from their necks down.

The University of Lincoln is proud of its vibrant and diverse multicultural community and recognises the importance that faith, belief and spirituality plays in the lives of many people.

Through our Multi-Faith Chaplaincy service, we offer pastoral care, a confidential listening ear and spiritual support to anyone in our university community, no matter whether you consider yourself religious or not. The Chaplaincy is committed to working with students and staff of all faiths and none; and making the University a place of religious tolerance and respect.

Coming to University can be a particularly important time in your spiritual life. For some, it is an exciting step that helps you own your faith personally; for others, being separated from your faith community at home may be a very daunting prospect.

The Chaplaincy is here to support you, no matter your background or faith and will support you in your journey of faith, your practice of your own faith, or your exploration of faith. You can come and pray, meditate, or talk things over with a Chaplain, regardless of whether you are religious or not. The Chaplaincy also has strong connections with the local community and its communities of faith, and can advise on local places of worship, student faith societies, and how your faith interacts with your academic life. The Chaplaincy can put you in touch with groups and organisations, both religious and non-religious, which could give you the opportunity to meet new people or connect with others who are like-minded.

We also support with diverse issues relating to your faith and university life, including bereavement, money and debt, and stress.

We offer several prayer and quiet rooms in Witham House (building 10) next to the Sports Centre. Please see the website for more information.

Student Services

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