Schools & Colleges

Student Services - 555DD424-91D3-441F-A535-F3869FE12AEB

Thank you for your interest in our resources, focusing on the transition in the next steps of your student’s lives. Whether they are going to university, jobs, apprenticeships or gap years, our resources are designed to help prepare them for whatever is after this phase of their education.

We have 3 topics that we have covered; Emotional Fitness, Next Steps and Getting Ahead. Each topic has a pre-recorded version of the presentation, a link to the presentation if you wish to present it yourself, a link to a digital magazine and resources to run as a part of the workshop.

We have also included a feedback form and would be grateful if you could please complete this.

Alongside our digital packs for schools, we have also created resources for Teachers and Parents & Guardians to use. These cover a range of topics including mental health and emotional wellbeing.

These resources were produced as part of an Office for Students funded project.

Student Services

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