WOW Summer School

What is the WOW summer school, and who can take part?

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2018 winner of the Autism professional awardsThe Wellbeing Orientation Welcome or WOW Summer school, is an award winning transitional Summer school for students with a diagnosis of autism, Asperger’s or a condition that may make the transition from further education to university more challenging.

WOW is a free, 3 day, 2 night stay on campus and it provides students with the opportunity to learn more about the University, what to expect and what is expected of them whilst studying at Higher Education level. It’s aim is to ease any anxieties students may have, about the transition into University life.

It may be the first time that some students have lived away from home, lived with others or cooked or cleaned for themselves independently. Some students may have concerns about the potential learning environments, ways in which they study, social interactions and all the forthcoming changes that becoming a University student can bring.

Students are provided a room on campus, within the University Halls of Residence and will live with other students for the time of the residential. This will give them the opportunity to engage socially with their peers and; as evident from previous students who attended WOW, build strong friendships that will last through to enrolment and beyond.

A comprehensive programme of workshops, teaching sessions and social events gives prospective students a flavour of what lies ahead.

Student Services

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