Sexual misconduct, domestic abuse, stalking & harassment support

Information, resources and support links for experiences of misconduct, abuse & harassment.

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Within Student Wellbeing we have Sexual and Domestic Abuse Advisors who’s roles are to support students who have past or present experiences of sexual misconduct, domestic abuse, stalking and harassment.

Sexual Misconduct is a broad term which includes any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that happens without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation. It can happen in any setting, including at work, university, in public, at home and also online via email, private messages and social media. It can include, but is not limited to:

  • Abusive or offensive comments
  • Harassment
  • Taking or sharing of private images without consent
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Sexual assault
  • Rape/Attempted rape

Experiencing any kind of sexual misconduct can be distressing and confusing. Whether it happened recently, in the past, or is happening now, finding help and support to think through your next steps and options is important.

A good first step is to speak with an Advisor at the Student Wellbeing Centre who will be able to talk through your choices with you. You can also access our SVLO service here.

You can also report incidents to us online either anonymously or with contact details for support by clicking on our online reporting link here.

Making a disclosure to the Sexual Violence Liaison Officer service within Student Wellbeing does not mean that you are making a formal report to the University or the Police, and it does not trigger any automatic reporting or notification processes. Your report will be treated confidentially, unless we believe you or others are in immediate danger. You do not need to make a formal report to the Police or the University to receive support.


Our team supports students of all genders, sexuality, race or ethnicity, disability, religious belief or faith, or any other part of your identity.

We approach support with care and empathy and guide you as an individual.

If you are not sure what has happened to you, or how it might be viewed (for example, have I been sexually assaulted?) it can be very helpful to access the service and talk to an advisor.  You can also access support even if it wasn’t you that was directly affected.


Experiencing sexual misconduct can be a distressing and confusing time, and you may experience a range of difficult emotions and side-effects. We believe you and we will listen to you. We will support you to know your options and allow you to be in control of your choices.

To access support you can call us, email us, visit us in person or complete the online reporting tool.

T: 01522 886400


Our opening times are:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday – 8:30am – 5pm

Wednesday – 9:30am – 5pm

Friday – 8:30am – 4:30pm


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