Managing Stress

Stress can greatly impact your mental and physical wellbeing and is caused by a range of reasons.

Student Services - Close up of a red pencil underlining the word stress.

First of all let’s clear one thing up – stress is completely normal. It is often a result of feeling under pressure or having multiple demands upon us. When we have a lot to do and lots to think about, we can feel like we have lost control.

Stress can be helpful at times – it can give us drive and motivation, and can encourage us to be productive. However, if we are feeling too stressed for long periods of time, it can then have an impact on our general wellbeing and mental health.

If you feel you are having difficulty managing your stress levels at the moment, it may be time to consider going to see your GP, or booking a First Contact Appointment with the Student Wellbeing Centre.

You can find out more about our First Contact Appointments and access the contact form by clicking here.

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