Suicidal Thoughts

Distressing thoughts can be difficult to talk about but the Wellbeing team are there to help.

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If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, you may feel as though there is no one you can talk to about it. But you are not alone.

A lot of people have thoughts about ending their life at some point in their lives. Just because you feel this way now, does not mean that you will always feel this way. Circumstances and feelings can change and Suicide IS preventable.

We are here to listen to you and support you during this difficult time. The Student Wellbeing Centre, alongside other support services, are non-judgemental and want to understand what you are going through. If you talk to someone about how you are feeling now, you can reduce the risk of things getting worse.

Things that you may be thinking or feeling:

  • A sense of hopelessness
  • Like things will never change or get better
  • A feeling of being overwhelmed
  • Like you are not wanted or needed by others
  • Feeling like people would be better off without you
  • Feeling a sense of desperation, like you have no other choice

Things that you may be experiencing:

  • Bad sleep
  • A change in your appetite
  • Not wanting to take care of yourself
  • Not wanting to be around or communicate with other people
  • Urges to harm yourself
  • Increased self-critical thoughts
  • Low self-esteem

Things that may increase your mental distress:

  • Changes in your life, such as moving from home, new peer group, employment
  • Social and cultural pressures such as gender identity issues , family difficulties, relationship difficulties, issues around sexual orientation, issues around your identity and appearance
  • Financial worries
  • Academic pressures / pressure you may put on yourself to succeed
  • Engaging in negative social media content
  • Alcohol and drug misuse
  • Past traumatic events
  • Bullying and harassment

If you are experiencing any of the above difficulties, know that we are here to listen and support you.

Other services you can contact include:

  • Shout- Get 24/7 help from a team of Crisis Volunteers by texting 85258
  • Samaritans-Talk to someone about how you are feeling. You can call freephone on 116 123
  • The Mix- Text service for people under 25, text THEMIX at 85258
  • Mental Health Helpline- If you’re feeling low, anxious or stressed and you think that talking to another person may help you cope you can call 0800 001 4331
  • GP- Request an urgent appointment. If you are registered with the University of Lincoln Health Centre, you can contact them on 01522 870010

Student Services

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