Domestic abuse

If you have experienced or are currently experiencing domestic abuse please contact an advisor at the Student Wellbeing Centre.

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Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour committed in a relationship which is designed to control another person. This can happen between partners and in family situations and does not always stop after those relationships have ended, or the person has left the family home. It can include, but is not limited to:

  • Psychological abuse (name-calling, threats and manipulation, commenting on your appearance)
  • Economic abuse (controlling access to money, getting you into debt, preventing you from going to work)
  • Coercive control (using behaviour over time to exert power and control, such as forcing you to stop seeing your friends/family)
  • Physical abuse (hitting you, throwing things at you, restraining you)
  • Tech abuse (demanding access to devices, using tracking Apps on your mobile, sharing images of you online)

If you are experiencing any form of domestic abuse, asking for help can be hard. You could be feeling very isolated, lonely and afraid. There are lots of support services included on this page for you to access. Most have ‘quick exit’ buttons where you can leave the site quickly if you need to.

A good first step is to speak with an Advisor at the Student Wellbeing Centre who will be able to talk through your choices with you. You can also access our SVLO service by clicking here.

You can also report incidents to us online either anonymously or with contact details for support by clicking on our online reporting link.

Student Services

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