Manage your money, don’t let money manage you.
We realise that moving away from home for the first time can be a big change and we are here to support you with challenges you may face.
Contact numbers, opening times and support links for Student Support, Student Wellbeing and the International College.
It is important to update any of your personal details if they change as this is important if you need to provide evidence of your student status.
Further information about; Student Visa, Graduate Route Visa, EU Settlement Scheme, Biometric Residence Permits (BRP)
Information on accessing reasonable adjustments at the University of Lincoln
Disabled Students’ Allowance provides extra support for students who have a diagnosed disability which may cause them difficulty during their studies.
Guidance and self-help on a variety of Mental Health concerns including Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis, Personality Disorder, Anger Management and OCD
University life can be a fantastic experience, but it also comes with its own challenges, see what support is available here.
Advice on ways to look after yourself, health advice, specific disability advice, and self-help resources.
We can help you clarify the University's rules and regulations and what options are available to you.
Respecting others is a big part of University and staff and students are expected to create a welcoming and inclusive environment.