Low mood and depression

Many students experience symptoms of low mood and depression whilst at University. This page offers guidance resources for those seeking advice.

Student Services - A man stood in the rain looking distressed.

Many students experience symptoms of low mood and depression whilst at University. For some it could be for a short period of time, for others it could be a re-occurring pattern and for others it could be a long-term diagnosis.

Depression and low mood can be triggered by a variety of things such as certain situations, feelings/emotions or events. It can also be unclear what has caused it, and we can start to believe sometimes that there is no valid reason to feel the way we do.

It is completely normal to experience periods of low mood, especially as a busy student. However, if the feeling persists or begins to interfere with your ability to do the things you want to do, it is advised to visit your GP to discuss how you are feeling further and consider speaking to an advisor at the Student Wellbeing Centre.

Possible causes

High and persistent stress


Family/relationship issues



Lack of support

Change of circumstances

Persistent low self-esteem

Loss of role

Unexpected change

Genetics or personality traits

Major events


Certain medications

Financial issues

Hormonal changes

Alcohol & drugs


Common symptoms

Low self-worth

Low motivation

Loss or gain of apetite

Lethargy or tiredness

Problems sleeping

Loss of interest

Increased anxiety


Negative thinking

Distressing thoughts

Lack of focus

Difficulty making decisions

Feelings of hopelessness

Increased tearfulness

A want to isolate self

Unwanted urges

Physical pain


Student Services

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