This page details the amount of student finance the majority of full-time students will be eligible for if they start higher education in 2024.
Key Information – Student Finance England
Undergraduate Full-time Study
Tuition Fee Loan
This is not means-tested therefore it doesn’t look at household income. It is paid directly by Student Finance England to your University and covers the entire cost of your tuition fees. As this is a loan you will have to pay this funding back.
Maintenance Loan
This is to assist with living costs such as accommodation, bills, food and your social life. The loan is part non means-tested and part means-tested. Means testing is when your household income is taken into consideration. As this is a loan you will have to pay this funding back. Students with an underlying entitlement to benefits may be eligible to apply for a larger maintenance loan.
Undergraduate part-time study
Part-time funding consists of a tuition fee loan and a maintenance loan, if eligible. The amount of maintenance loan you may receive is based on your intensity of study. Click here for more information.
More on student finance
If you have any further questions about student funding you can email our Student Funding Team at
Alternatively, to book a confidential telephone appointment with an adviser, please email, telephone Student Support on 01522 837080.